How do I request a book from LAVC Library (or another LACCD Library) to be put on hold for me?


Want to save time when you're on campus? You can request a book from LAVC Library or from one of the other 9 LACCD Libraries to be pulled from the shelf and put on hold for you at the LAVC Library Circulation Desk to pick up. 

First, find your book using LAVC Library OneSearch 

Screenshot of LAVC Library OneSearch showing keyword search and a book result

Click on the title of the book. Look for the yellow "Get It" bar in the middle of the page and use it to Sign In to your library account.

Screenshot of LAVC Library OneSearch Get It bar for requesting items


You will be redirected to the Student Portal login screen. Please login as you normally would for Canvas. If needed, use the help links located beneath the login boxes.

student portal sign in


Once you are logged in, you will be redirected back to OneSearch and you'll see that the yellow Get It bar has been replaced by a Request link. Click it to request the book.

Screenshot of LAVC Library OneSearch request link

All you have to do now is to click the orange "Send Request" button.

Screenshot of LAVC Library OneSearch Request Form with Orange Send Request Button


You'll receive an email to your LACCD student email account when your books are ready to be picked up at the LAVC Library front circulation desk. Please note, these emails often go to SPAM or JUNK email folders so be sure to check those if you're waiting for a book.


  • Last Updated Feb 22, 2023
  • Views 126
  • Answered By Alex Chappell

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